Yep...I get to live here

Saturday, November 13, 2010

365-30 through 36 Catching Up!

I'm behind in my 365 Project due to illness and lack of internet access, but I'm catching up today!

As I see it, the purpose of the 365 Project is to get you taking pictures every day, thus showing one's day-to-day life over a year's time. I started late in the year, so I'm taking a little artistic license and posting some old pictures. I'm sure you don't want to see my life over the last two weeks of illness and internet deprivation!

Life in West Virginia is quite different from anywhere else I've lived. For starters, we are overrun by white-tail deer. They are everywhere! My son has had five narrow misses while driving just in the last two weeks. I hope my reader is not opposed to hunting. WV DNR has actually opened the hunting season early this year due to the overpopulation. One of the reasons our car insurance is higher than other states is because of collisions with deer.

This photo was taken using my iPhone camera in a local park which I frequent for walks with a friend. The park has a very pleasant trail, part of which goes through the woods. One day we happened upon this buck. As you can see, they are difficult to spot, making them a hazard to unsuspecting drivers.


My beautiful daughter has a six-month-old son. This picture is from when he was still inside Mommy. He is about -6 months in this photo. This was taken at her baby shower nearly a year ago.
I love the glow of pregnancy!

The Glow of Pregnancy

We lived in Missouri for eight years. We've been in WV for six years, but I still miss some things are Missouri and its neighbor, Kansas. One of them is the Krispy Kreme store, where donuts are freshly made all day. We always made a quick left when the "Hot Donuts!" sign was flashing in the store window. We'd buy a dozen hot ones and sit and watch the donut-making process, our favorite part being the glaze "waterfall".

My husband's parents live in Colorado, so we visited them last Christmas, spending a week in the mountains. Of course Kansas City, our favorite Krispy Kreme city,  is on the way!

Hot Donuts!

We spent the week before Christmas in Winter Park, Colorado. The ski area has a torchlit ski-down on Christmas Eve. My brother-in-law works and lives at the ski area, so we had a great view of the procession from his balcony at the base lodge.

Christmas Eve bonfire

The procession itself is quite a spectacle! Skiers made their way down the slope, holding torches that light up the snow. Please understand that I don't have a fancy digital SLR! At first I thought there were drips of white goop on my lens, but upon further inspection, I realized they were the flashes from other photographers!
Fiery Snow

Have you seen the movie Bucket List? Two older men set off of an adventure to do the things they want to do before they "kick the bucket". Well, I have become a little less adventurous in recent years, but decided to try snowmobiling. I rode on the back, sucking exhaust fumes while I careened through the snow on the back of the snowmobile with my Need-for-Speed Husband. 

I must admit that I'm glad I went. Not only did I get some gorgeous shots, but now I can add "Snowmobiling to the Continental Divide" to my bucket list, then merrily cross it off!

It was extremely cold at that altitude...not to mention the 60 mph wind blowing right through me! I was very bundled up.
Michelin Woman

I grew up in South Florida and don't handle the cold as well as my Northern readers!

One of the things that I never did while I lived in Florida was go on an airboat tour through the Everglades. My sister and I promised each other in the summer of 2009 that we would go the next time I visited her. The time came a year later. It was exhilarating... even though we saw no wild gators! 

I intended to do a self-portrait with the Glades in the background, but neglected to use the correct setting on my camera. Sometimes mistakes produce interesting photos. That's my sister in the reflection, wearing a red shirt and blue hat. We often kid that we are twins born ten years apart!

Self-portrait in the Everglades


  1. The torch-lit ski down sounds like a beautiful event to see! And neat self-portrait.

  2. Great job catching up. We all get behind sometimes. (You are "allowed" to pre-post up to a 7 days, if that helps).

    Very cool on the fiery snow!
