Yep...I get to live here

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Characters in my Prints, Patties, & No Satellite post

"General" - the accused - he's 30 years old!

These are the two youngsters that I mentioned...and this is last year before they got fatter!


  1. I love the pale 'youngster'. I like blond horses.

  2. She's actually a grey. I think she had just rolled in the mud when I took this picture.

  3. What pretty horses. I am normally partial to greys as our best horse ever was a flea bitten gray mare, but I think the dark young one is exceptionally good looking!

    The old one is nice looking too of course. How long have you had him?

  4. Tara, everyone always comments on him. He is exceptionally pretty. He's a Tennessee Walker and has a gorgeous gait. He used to be a Big Lick show horse, but I rescued him from that lifestyle. He was very unhappy.

    He's quite a character. When we lived in Missouri, he used to come to my bedroom window to beg peppermints.

    I haven't ridden in a long time because of my back, but I doubt I'll ever sell him.
